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General Health Services – Ear Syringing

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Ear Syringing


Earwax can sometimes block the ear canal. Ear syringing may be needed if ear drops do not work. Irrigating the ear with water will usually clear plugs of earwax. But, it often only works if the plug of earwax has been softened. Therefore, use ear drops (such as olive oil ear drops) to soften wax 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days prior to irrigation.

Ear syringing is usually painless. Lukewarm water is squirted into the ear canal. This is usually done by a machine that squirts water at the right pressure. This dislodges the softened plug which then falls out with the water.

Please make an appointment via reception for this service.


For your information: The area between the opening to the ear and the eardrum (ear Canal) is self-cleaning. Only the outside of the ear canal needs to be cleaned/dried, using a soft clean towel or tissue.

Wax is produced in the ear canal and slowly moves outwards, taking the trapped dust with it. Wax is necessary to protect, moisturise and waterproof the canal. It helps prevent ear infection. It is not harmful and is not a result of poor personal hygiene.

A build-up of wax may occur, especially in the elderly and those who:

• Use cotton buds, hairclips or other objects to clean their ears
• Use ear plugs
• Work in dusty environments
• Have narrow ear canals

Wax build up may result in:
• Reductionsin hearing
• Discomfort/pain in the ear
• Noise or ringing in the ear
• Feeling of blockage in the ear
• Temporary deafness after hair washing or swimming

Wax can be removed by irrigation but must first be softened. Use olive oil from a dropper, which can be bought in a chemist. Use at room temperature.
Inform the Nurse/Doctor if you have had a hole in your eardrum, any ear surgery, a recent ear infection or a problem with ear irrigation in the past, as this treatment may not be suitable.

How to use Olive Oil
Lying down with head to one side pull the ear upward and backwards to straighten the ear canal. Drop 4 drops of olive oil into the ear canal. You may need somebody to help you do this.
Wait for 10 minutes to allow for absorption of the oil and wipe away excess oil when you sit up.
Repeat treatment on the other ear if necessary. Drops should be used 3-4 times a day for 1 week.

N.B. If you do not use the oil as you have been advised, the wax may not soften, and you may need to come back to the surgery another time.

Warm water is pumped gently in to the ear canal to wash the wax outwards into a receiver. Washing is stopped if you feel discomfort.

Advice after Irrigation
The ear canal may be prone to infection for 4-5 days until more wax is produced to protect it. We suggest that you keep your ears dry when washing your hair. Water, soaps, shampoos or sprays may irritate the skin and lead to infection.

Use cotton wool with Vaseline on it to waterproof ears while showering and shampooing hair for 5 days after irrigation. In the unlikely event that you develop pain, dizziness, tinnitus, reduced hearing or discharge from the ear, consult the Surgery.

Prevention of wax build up
Use Olive Oil once a week to keep wax soft and minimise build-up.
Avoid inserting any object into the ear canal, if the entrance to the ear canal is dry and itchy it may be useful to insert one drop of olive oil to relieve the itch.


01 8331650

Clinic Hours

Mon-Friday 8:30am - 5.00pm


14 Kincora Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3, D03 T2W2