General Health Services – Flu Vaccine
We are open for Doctor / Nurse Consultations from 9:00am to 5:00pm to help you with all your healthcare needs.
Clontarf Family Practice: (01) 8331650
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Flu Vaccine
Each year the seasonal (annual) flu vaccine contains three common influenza virus strains. The flu virus changes each year this is why a new flu vaccine has to be given each year. This year’s flu vaccine may contain the Swine Flu strain.
Vaccination is strongly recommended for:
persons 65 and over,
those with a long-term medical condition such as diabetes, heart or lung disease,
people whose immune system is impaired due to disease or treatment,
healthcare workers,
residents of nursing homes and other long stay institutions,
persons with a body mass index (BMI) over 40,
pregnant women. (can be given at any stage of pregnancy),
people with regular close contact with poultry, water fowl or pigs.
Appointments will be available from October to have your flu vaccination.

01 8331650
Clinic Hours
Mon-Friday 8:30am - 5.00pm
14 Kincora Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3, D03 T2W2