+353 (0)1 8331650 [email protected]

General Health Services – Ear Syringing

We are open for Doctor / Nurse Consultations from 9:00am to 5:00pm to help you with all your healthcare needs. 

Clontarf Family Practice: (01) 8331650

Home » Services » General Health » Ear Syringing

Ear Syringing

Earwax can sometimes block the ear canal. Ear syringing may be needed if ear drops do not work. Irrigating the ear with water will usually clear plugs of earwax. But, it often only works if the plug of earwax has been softened. Therefore, use ear drops (such as olive oil ear drops) to soften wax 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days prior to irrigation.

Ear syringing is usually painless. Lukewarm water is squirted into the ear canal. This is usually done by a machine that squirts water at the right pressure. This dislodges the softened plug which then falls out with the water.

Please make an appointment via reception for this service.



01 8331650

Clinic Hours

Mon-Friday 8:30am - 5.00pm


14 Kincora Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3, D03 T2W2